Join Less Medications Challenge Now

Learn how to heal and achieve peak health and success with less medications without giving up your job.
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Your physical health is deeply intertwined with your mental state and dis-ease can be a reflection of your mental state. Our unconscious ways of living, driven by automatic internal programs, can disrupt the balance of our bodies and lead to states of dis-ease.

These imbalances may manifest as new illnesses, the worsening of existing conditions, or the experience of disease symptoms without detectable abnormalities in the organs. However, the good news is that all these dis-ease states can be prevented, avoided, and even healed through self-healing mental processes. Your body possesses the incredible ability to heal itself, and we are here to guide you in creating the optimal environment for healing to occur.

Metamorphosis is a revolutionary approach to self-improvement that focuses on the intricate connection between the mind and body. It recognizes the incredible capacity of the brain to heal, adapt, and transform throughout our lives. By tapping into the brain's innate ability to rewire itself, you can achieve profound healing, enhance cognitive functions, and unleash your true potential.

Enroll Now

Gain The Courage To Live Life Fully And Deeply

Embrace The Essence Of Your True Self

Shed the layers of societal and historical conditioning to uncover your boundless true self. We often suppress our true identity due to external pressures. Breaking free from this conditioning leads to better health and well-being and allows the discovery of your innate bliss that creates a supportive environment for healing. Your true self is powerful, fearless, and capable of achieving anything. It’s time to unlock that potential.

Identify And Crush Fear & Limiting Beliefs

Eliminate sabotaging thinking patterns that have kept you stuck in cycles of negative experiences & poor health and open up your life to endless possibilities.

Increase Your Consciousness & Awareness

Cultivate the ability to discern your own truth empowering you to boldly overcome the limitations imposed by your mind and body to unlock the power within you.

Develop Resilience Rather Than Anxiety

Gain the confidence to rise above disappointments and failures, gaining the strength to take action even in overwhelming, challenging situations.

Rewire Your Brain With Neuroplasticity

Reset your brain and rise above your mind's past conditioning, shifting from old memories to a state of calm, relaxation, and clarity, paving the way for unparalleled growth and success.

Mindset Of Success To Overcome Obstacles

Master concentration and tranquility techniques that energize you to overcome obstacles and propel you toward unstoppable growth.

Live In The Present

Free yourself from the grip of past failures and trauma, allowing you to embrace joy and peace in the present and face life's uncertainties with confidence.

Join The Challenge Now

What You'll Learn

This training will focus on embracing your journey back to wellbeing and reclaiming your vitality. In the chaos of the corporate world, find hope in the promise of a healthier future where your health takes center stage.

  • Root Cause Diagnosis: An in-depth assessment will be conducted to diagnose any reversible  causes of recurrent health problems and physical symptoms.
  • There will be weekly monitoring of health parameters that pertain to your specific health issues for immediate feedback. examples include  blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, self reported anxiety levels, stress levels, sleep.
  • Identifying Triggers and Vulnerable Areas: The course will help you determine the triggers of your bodily symptoms and identify any vulnerable areas in your life that contribute to health issues.
  • Tailored Treatment Strategies: Specific and individualized treatment strategies will be offered, taking into account your unique mind and brain type, targeting the root cause of your symptoms.
  • Brain training: Gain a comprehensive understanding of how the brain functions, how your individual brain is influenced by your life circumstances and learn to utilize the remarkable neuroplasticity that allows it to change and grow. 
  • Neurological Healing Techniques: Discover powerful techniques to stimulate neural connections, improve memory, boost creativity, and promote overall brain health.
  • Cognitive Enhancement Strategies: Learn practical strategies to enhance cognitive functions such as attention, concentration, problem-solving, and decision-making, resulting in increased productivity and mental clarity.
  • Emotional Well-being: Explore the relationship between the brain and emotions, and learn techniques to manage stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns, fostering emotional resilience and well-being.
  • Realistic Mindset and Transformation: Develop a mindset based on reality and unleash your inner potential through mindset reprogramming techniques, visualization exercises, and affirmations that rewires your brain to create an effortless life.
  •  Lifestyle Habits for Brain Health: Discover the impact of lifestyle factors on brain health, including sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress management, and learn how to optimize these areas for optimal cognitive performance.
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How Does It Work

Our methods are aimed to train your mind, brain, and central nervous system to:
  • Reverse physical symptoms and lifestyle related health problems.
  • Heal and neutralize painful and traumatic emotions.
  • Strengthen your immune defenses against disease.
  • Release endogenous/internal feel-good chemicals that relieve pain and counteract the effects of stress on your body.
  • Learn how to prioritize self care, relaxation techniques and set healthy boundaries to stop sabotaging your health. 
  • Build resilience and adaptability to handle life changes, stressful situations, and adverse events.
  • Modify health-killing behaviors, such as people-pleasing, inability to say no, self-blame, and excessive dependency.

Healing Modalities We Utilize

Brain Primers: Engaging activities & mental exercises that train your brain, building cognitive, emotional, and behavioral resilience through neuroplasticity.

Somatic Therapy: Resetting and rebalancing an out-of-balance central nervous system.

Sound and Vibrational Healing Techniques: Utilizing the therapeutic benefits of sound and vibrations for healing.

Interoception: Tuning into the wisdom of the body, developing awareness of internal states, and recognizing changes

Metacognition: Developing an enhanced perception of your external and internal reality.

Mind-Enhancing Music: Utilizing music to enhance mental states and well-being.

Breathwork: Harnessing the power of breath to enhance healing and to calm the mind.

Nutrition: Learning stress-relieving nutritional practices.

Let's Get Started

Coaching Program

Less Medications Challenge. Retrain Your Brain For Better Health & Success

Offer Includes:
  • 8 weeks outcome driven coaching program focused on mutually agreed upon treatment goals to restore your health.
  • Guided self monitoring of health parameters to track progress. Blood pressure, heart rate, Weight, Blood sugar depending on your specific needs.
  • One 1:1 personal coaching session. Individualized RCA(Root Cause Analysis) Session. To determine your specific life and health goals and Launch you in the right direction.
  • Twice a Week group coaching sessions. 16 coaching sessions. Recorded if you miss them.
  • Community support, connect with others in your journey.
  • 2 weeks money back guarantee
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Transform Your Health

Webinar Bonuses

Bonus #1

Extra 1:1 Personal Coaching: A Resilience boost session to ensure you are staying the course and to address challenges and roadblocks.


Bonus #2

Free Weight Management Program with Meal Plans: Discover your healthy weight range, shed pounds, and combat obesity-related health issues. Achieve and maintain a healthier you!


Bonus #3

Physical Symptoms Diary: Track your progress using non-drug tools to ease body discomfort. Identify root causes, detect patterns, and find effective interventions tailored to your needs.


Bonus #4

Quick Relief Stress Strategies: Gain access to guided quick daily wellness practices available to you in real time when and where you need them the most, in times of distress.


Bonus #5

Library of Specific Brain Healing Sounds & Solfeggio Frequencies: These are specific frequencies scientifically proven to alter brain waves and enhance a healing environment by supporting your body's natural healing processes.


Bonus #6

Organ Specific Guided Meditations & Visualization Videos: These audios and real life videos train and empower your brain to embrace a state of health by visualizing the harmony of your body's internal and intricate workings.


Bonus #7

Specially Curated Guided Consciousness Practices: These practices help deepen your perception and engagement with the world, navigate life with more clarity and equanimity, and achieve greater fulfillment in life.


Bonus #9

Guided Interoception & Somatic Awareness Training: To better understand your body's internal states. Identify what causes you distress and learn to use bodily sensations as a guide for self-healing.


Bonus #6

Organ Specific Guided Meditations & Visualization Videos: These audios and real life videos train and empower your brain to embrace a state of health by visualizing the harmony of your body's internal and intricate workings.


Total Bonus Value: $6100

Bonus Price Today: FREE

Join The Challenge Now
Hi, I am

Dr Nancy Waiganjo

I am a board-certified Internal Medicine physician, Lifestyle Medicine practitioner, and Inner Healing Life Coach focused on reversing cycles of unexplained poor health and negative life experiences. My mission is to empower individuals to create fulfilling lives, even while managing chronic illness, by teaching skills for holistic health and well-being.

With previous experience as a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy coach, I have worked with young adults facing self-harm, helping them navigate crises and achieve cognitive, emotional and behavioral regulation while finding spontaneous life enjoyment. I am also the founder of Lifemorph and The Mind is Medicine App, programs focussed on helping people heal by living well, thriving and embracing their true selves.

In my medical practice, I witness a lot of suffering in my patients on a daily basis. I have also observed that illness often follows significant life events, and not all health issues can be explained by science alone. Having personally overcome severe, unexplained health struggles, I discovered the profound impact of our psychological and emotional state on physical health.

Driven by my research and experience, I developed a holistic framework that addresses the mind, body, and spirit connection, leading to self-healing and transformation. Through my program, Lifemorph, I guide individuals to retrain their brains, reprogram their minds, and embrace their true selves, helping them heal from within, reduce stress & suffering and ultimately achieve lasting health and Success. My vision is to bridge the gap between psychological and physical health, offering a psychoneuroimmunophysiological approach that fosters consciousness, healing, and life transformation.

See What Other People Say

Dr Waiganjo came into my life as a health coach after I was diagnosed with Anxiety and later, an abnormal heart rhythm. I was in and out of hospital several times.

I discovered her unique approach, which opened my eyes to the fact that I have a choice in how I think and feel, no matter the circumstances of my life. Her model taught me to focus on the facts rather than getting caught up in my thoughts, and to let go of things beyond my control. This training has empowered me to make better, more intentional choices, and it has transformed the way I navigate my life.

Her occupation as a Dr helped me listen without reservation, whenever she talked about how the mind and body are created to work in sync with one another. Her coaching has helped me relax more and worry less. And the abnormal rhythm of my heart is better controlled. I haven't been admitted to hospital in a long time.


Dr Nancy Waiganjo has been my health coach for a while now. It is her canny ability to listen, observe and understand that sets her apart. She has helped me tremendously reduce anxiety from my high stress job, the loss of my mother and that of having a son with autism. I learnt a different perspective and approach on how to experience these realities while not falling victim to my circumstances. She has not only taught me how to think differently but offered quick and easy techniques that come to my rescue any time I felt like I was losing control. I used to have frequent headaches and poor sleep having had to rely on tylenol and sleep medications daily, but I now rarely take tylenol or sleep medications and I find my life to be very fulfilling despite taking care of my son with Autism.

Her background as a doctor gives her a deep scope and understanding of the body, and how this is connected to mind and soul and the importance of nourishing each one.  She has depth and compassion, and I cannot wait to sign up for more of her coaching classes.


This program led to a powerful realization that shifted everything for me. Despite feeling overwhelmed by juggling multiple projects at work, I discovered that I actually had more time for self-care than I ever imagined. Even when my life felt like it was spiraling out of control, I learned how to disconnect from work, even while at work, and to live each day with purpose, as if it were my last. I also came to understand that the very methods I was using to cope with stress were only adding to my anxiety and worsening my high blood pressure.

My doctor had warned me about the dangers of uncontrolled blood pressure, increasing my medication doses to try and manage it. The next step, he said, would be to add more medications if things didn’t improve. But after taking this program, I’ve learned how to remove specific stressors from my life. Now, my blood pressure is under control—without the need for additional medication. It’s been a life-changing journey, and I’m living proof that it’s possible to break free from the cycle.


Dr Nancy was my life coach during a very difficult season of cancer diagnosis. I reached her in agony after I was informed of my diagnosis. I had so many questions and I did not know where to start. She listened and then asked me, if all your questions were answered, what do you need right this moment?  I told her I would like to be well and I'd like to heal. And she told me, exactly! That is what we are going to focus on. We are going to focus on your healing! She said to heal your body, you need to heal your mind first.  She told me that I could not punish myself and heal at the same time because I had a lot of regrets.  She taught me how to surrender to the process. To have less resistance and more acceptance.

One thing that was agonizing to me was the future. I was like, what now! but she taught me about being in the present, enjoying the present, enjoying every little thing including eating, time with my kids, breathing and even showering.


Transform Your Health

Renew Your Commitment To Your Wellbeing

One time Payment

Pay in Full

One Time Payment

8 FOUNDER EXCLUSIVE BONUSES outlined above Pre-training and Post-training self assessment. Weekly monitoring of health parameters.

  • Week 1
    From limited to unlimited. Discover your limitless true identity and how to get more wellbeing out of your available time.
  • Week 2
    Root cause analysis. Introduction to our unique model to help you solve any health problems and STEAR clear of stress.
  • Week 3
    Consciousness and interoception.  Awaken to your Central nervous system, other body systems and the world around you in a new way.
  • Week 4
    Blissfully reduce cortisol levels. Learn tools to enjoy spontaneous joy despite your life circumstances.
  • Week 5
    Surrender to “WHAT IS”. Train your sympathetic nervous system to embrace unpredictability and change. 
  • Week 6
    Lasting serenity within the Parasympathetic Nervous system. Become aligned with your values and purpose and find meaning in your life.
Pay In Full Now

Payment Plan

Installment Plan

2 Monthly Installments

8 FOUNDER EXCLUSIVE BONUSES outlined above Pre-training and Post-training self assessment. Weekly monitoring of health parameters.

  • Week 1
    From limited to unlimited. Discover your limitless true identity and how to get more wellbeing out of your available time.
  • Week 2
    Root cause analysis. Introduction to our unique model to help you solve any health problems and STEAR clear of stress.
  • Week 3
    Consciousness and interoception.  Awaken to your Central nervous system, other body systems and the world around you in a new way.
  • Week 4
    Blissfully reduce cortisol levels. Learn tools to enjoy spontaneous joy despite your life circumstances.
  • Week 5
    Surrender to “WHAT IS”. Train your sympathetic nervous system to embrace unpredictability and change. 
  • Week 6
    Lasting serenity within the Parasympathetic Nervous system. Become aligned with your values and purpose and find meaning in your life.
Pay In Installments Now


Join our six weeks less medications challenge today. Training slots are very limited. Schedule your call to save your spot today!

Let's Get Started